I rotate all of Logan’s material for two reasons.  One: I just don’t have enough space for everything to be out all of the time.  Two: Our work is always available and I don’t want to have to harp on everyone to put away all of the pieces, all of the time.  He always has 2-3 different Montessori themed works out and I keep the rest in a shelf in a closet.  Well last week the closet door got left open and Logan decided he wanted to change to a new work.  He took this out of the closet, brought it out to the living room, and spent about a half an hour joyfully inserting that little green prism again and again.  I was lucky enough to catch a little bit of his focus on camera to remember!  I love the open mouth as he puts the prism in.



For information on a quick DIY version of this work, click here to see the box my husband made when our daughter was Logan’s age (scroll down, the box is project #2).
Montessori Monday