Teaching Homeschool Art

Teaching Homeschool Art

Teaching homeschool art when I’m not very artistic?  This has been one of my perennial homeschool challenges.  I love art.  I love teaching.  But put together teaching and homeschool art? Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate good art. ...

On Junk Food and Education

Earlier this month I had the opportunity to once again attend the Minnesota Catholic Home Education Conference**.  Going into the weekend, I was quite excited to see Jennifer MacKintosh of Wildflowers & Marbles speaking on Charlotte Mason education....

Montessori Homeschooling and My Large Family

What does homeschooling a large family with the Montessori method look like? People I meet at homeschool events always seem impressed when they hear we use Montessori at home.  Everyone seems to have heard of it, usually through online sources, but it always...

10 Things Montessori Isn’t

When we began homeschooling in the Montessori method well over 5 years ago, there were only a handful of Montessori moms on the internet.  I had to do a lot of study and research to really understand what it meant to be Montessori and how to make that work at...