Oh, You Magical Montessori

  Montessori is an important part of the fabric of me.  Many things I do as a parent are influenced by the internalization of Montessori beliefs about childhood.  That said, I know that occasionally children with certain temperaments, needs,...

Book Review: ABCs of Montessori & Special Needs

“If someone told me 15 years ago, how my life would be today, I”m not quite sure how I would have responded.  Perhaps run the other way?  Cry?  Be angry?  Or just maybe I would have said okay, and spent as much time as possible studying...

On The Dignity of EVERY Athlete

For the first time, this year, my son Caleb competed in the special abilities ring at a tae kwon do tournament.  For those who aren’t aware, Caleb has autism.   On a good day, Caleb is very high functioning and it may not be quickly apparent to those...

Straight Talk On Children’s Mental Health

I have been rolling this post around in my brain for several weeks now.   My little homeschool has a secret.  Not an intentional secret that in I purposefully hide behind nice happy little photos of our day, but quite the opposite. Quite the opposite. I...