
There are many ways to present the research and projects that a child in the Montessori elementary environment completes.  The most important step is THAT they present it.  That could be through a drawing, a paragraph explaining it, a poster, a video, a presentation, a skit….seriously the possibilities are endless.  They could present to their family, their instructor, their classmates, or another group of people.  We have been known to present projects to Grandma and Papa when they visit or even over the phone.

We had an excellent opportunity for presenting, recently, when our Catholic homeschool group held an end of semester program.  Most of the kids did instruments or poems, but since we don’t do a lot of  (any) memorization and none of the kids play an instrument, the boys presented their research project instead.  (On a side note, I joked to one of the other dads that some people have culture and we have science….I was kidding, but don’t think he thought it was very funny.)

The format of presenting to the group, also led to a lesson on public speaking.  How to plan a presentation, using notes, taking turns, answering questions, etc.  Here they are practicing at home.


Without further ado, here are my boys (8 and 10) presenting their research project.

They also made a condensed video of the clips from each experiment.  Daddy helped with the computer editing step which has prompted another round of project proposals as Aidan would like to learn how to do the video editing himself.

Be sure to check out the original experiment design if you missed it!