The CWOM and The FNOP

A couple weeks ago we had one of those magical Montessori-homeschooling-Catholic moments that only come along with the patience that goes with being all of these things. As the Year of Mercy draws to a close, we have been reviewing and studying the Corporal Works of...

Advent Round Up

Here we are, coming up on Advent again! We like to have a quiet Advent whenever possible.  We try to remember that we are awaiting, not yet celebrating, Christ’s birth.  We do this by having a regular set of family traditions throughout the month of...

Biblical Story Telling Prop Box

Kylee’s Noah’s Ark. As my kids have gotten older, we have done most of the Old Testament Godly Play presentations so I decided that instead of putting individual story boxes on the shelf I would put together a box of simple props that they could use to...

St. Patrick’s Resources

Sharing our St. Patrick’s Day basket quickly!  My basket is loosely inspired by items found in the Godly Play Saints Stories.  I probably should at least have an Irish flag and/or map in the basket next year, but I always forget to put my lessons and...