Hospital Bedrest Day 4

Medically uninteresting 24 hours.  I was really achy and sore last night after having the kids visit and I ended up taking some tylenol to help and then I slept the best I have since I got here.  A few nights ago, I wrote about the book I have been reading...

Hospital Bedrest Day 3

Silly selfie with my chocolate cake faced princess.  Today was Tim’s birthday so the whole crew came for a visit together. Nothing interesting medically to report (which is probably going to be a theme).  I had a quiet morning and then Tim and the kids...

Trusting God With St. Therese… at 4:00 AM

Sleep hasn’t been coming particularly easy for me in the past many weeks.  I often wake up and am unable to go back to sleep for several hours.  This is even harder in the hospital on bedrest than it was at home.  I have discovered, however, that...

Hospital Bedrest Day 2

 I promised I would write about the good and the bad.  The real life of being here. The real life of today is that it was boring and draining at the same time. Siena was a good girl although not as active as usual today (which wears on my nerves)....

Hospital Bedrest Day 1

Technically today is probably day 2, but since I’ve been here just 24 hours now after supper we are going to call it day 1 and go from there. I recently came across a blog that followed a set of extremely premature twins (24 week range), starting with their...

Oh Baby, Baby, Baby

5 weeks ago (at 18 weeks) I was diagnosed with preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM). 4 weeks ago (19 weeks) I was referred to the Mayo Clinic where I was diagnosed with renal agenesis (no kidneys for baby). Yesterday (23 weeks) our doctors at the Mayo Clinic...