A Timeline For Kylee

Kylee always wants to help with our Story of The World Timelines, but she really doesn’t understand and her pictures….well, lets just say they don’t add much to the story!  She did, however, greatly enjoy this timeline of Kylee activity last...

Biblical Story Telling To Build Character

Although we are also moving into other religion materials (The Faith & Life Series primarily), we are still using Godly Play resources and techniques for biblical story telling…and retelling.  Our theme for fall is Building Character Through People of...

Multi-Age Montessori Geography

I think somewhere in the unwritten rules of blogging as a homeschool mom there is a criteria that we all must address, “How do you teach so many different grades?”  It is definitely one of the first thing people ask when I tell them we are a...

Let Your Light Shine!

We had such a great day today!  You know I was going to say that, right?  Anyways, our theme for this fall is Let Your Light Shine.  We actually started with this theme in the spring with the help of a few friends who lent me their brains to figure out...

Mad Garden Scientist

Does it look like we are brewing magic potions in our kitchen window?   Our garden this year is producing herbs in abundance.  This is sort of fun, because it is something I can actually preserve in a variety of ways from a smaller space.  We have grown...