Isn’t That Reading?

“Caleb, what did you read on your computer game today?” “Nothing, I didn’t read any words.””What did you do then?” “I took the pictures and I matched them to the letters””What words did they make?”...

A Visit From A Snail

Sometimes when you live in an apartment, you have to take what you can get when it comes to nature study. We don’t have any parks within walking distance (other than our complex playground) so it isn’t often we find fun new things to observe.Aidan found...


This is so stinking inspiring! Check out this post from Meg at Sew Liberated.On a side note, I just bought the pattern for her Huck Finn Hat. I think lots of little ones in my life are going to be enjoying those soon as I see a new obsession blooming! I even...

Sacred Space

In all the homes of my adult life, I have dreamt of a special place.A place to keep things.A place for focus.Centering.In all of our prior homes, six in total, my dream has never found its way together.Maybe I was trying to hard.Forcing something that can’t be...