Catch Me Elsewhere!

I submitted this article a couple of week ago and somehow my junk mail picked up the notice of when it would be posted, but alas…better late than never!You can read my ever interesting (or not) thoughts on Our Imperfect Life! For some reason I really struggled...

August 29

It’s August 29. Again.For the 3rd time since the day became significant.I actually find myself without a lot to say about it this year, but it’s not the kind of thing I can just glaze over either. If only it were that simple. I heard from many people who...

Content With Less

Not contentment with less money, less clothes, or less possessions. No, for me, the struggle I have is to do less. I know that probably sounds strange to many of you, as I always seem to hear of those things that moms are wanting to get done. They want to do more....

Making Your Own Infant Mobile

Mobiles are fun and awesome, but they are also REALLY expensive. I almost fell over when I tried to buy a cute one to put over Aidan’s crib when he was a little bitty baby. I suppose its a good thing I didn’t spend the bucks since I’m pretty sure he...

An Little Montessori DIY Fun!

Want your little one to dance like Logan?It will be a family affair.You will need an expert drill man.And a sander…experience optional.An artist will make the job a bit easier.(At this point you should know a cat makes the job harder.)There are some jobs for...

But What About Kylee?

After my post with our school pictures, Marisa wondered what Kylee does during work time.This is a GREAT question. It gets right to the heart of my biggest concern for this entire school year! When Kylee was younger, I would simply wear her on my back during school...