Charlotte Mason Reflections

I’ve been doing a lot of studying lately on the Charlotte Mason method of education. If you are not familiar with CM, I suggest this link. It is interesting to compare and contrast theorists from similar time periods. Both theorists agreed in equal access to...

You can take the child away from Montessori,

but you can’t take the Montessori out of the child.Kylee spent my entire shower and getting ready period today dusting the heat vent and window ledge with a kleenex. On her hands and knees, no less.Lest anyone think that I scrub anything on my hands and knees, I...


I love the Montessori 3-6 Geography & Culture curriculum! The globes & puzzle maps are so intricate and interesting, the landforms are so tactile, the culture/continent boxes are so interesting! Honestly it is so in depth that before starting first grade, most...

Language Part 3- Reading

I feel a bit of a scam even writing this post. I do not think I have the Montessori reading curriculum figured out. I know what it is *supposed* to be. I am following it the best I can with Caleb, but he’s so early in the process it’s hard to know if...