Experiments In Science- Incline Plane Edition

I think simple machines make some of the most interesting science experiments with young kids because they can do all of the work (unlike many chemistry/mixing experiments where a lot of what they can do is watch and observe…which don’t get me wrong is...

Bead Chain Extensions

I love the Montessori math materials because they offer so many neat extensions. It would be extraordinarily challenging to present all of them, but they each offer a unique way to learn about the relationships that make up the foundations of all math.The bead cabinet...

Learning To Write Names

One of the first words most children write is their name. Some names are quick to learn, and others take some practice. Since most names are not phonetic, this is one area where a bit of memorization is necessary, even from a young age. When I taught preschool I did...

Don’t Kill Birds

The second story in the Book of Virtues for Young People is about Ghengis Kahn, who kills his favorite hawk out of anger only to discover the hawk had saved his life by preventing him from drinking poisoned water.The lesson from the story is not to act out of anger....

Reasons To Homeschool- Part 1

There are many reasons to homeschool. Ask any ten people why they homeschool and you are unlikely to get the same answer twice. Not only that, but most people have far more than just one reason, even if there is a main reason! This new series will bring attention to...

Book of Virtues

One of the things we are adding to our homeschool schedule this “spring” is study from the Book of Virtues for Young People. I was unsure where to start, so I decided to go with the first section- self discipline. I think it will take us most of January to...