Godly Play

As one piece of our home religious education, we are blessed to have access to a wonderful, family-centered, Godly Play class at a faith based non profit center in our city. We attended class a few times last year, but unfortunately the day and time was tough for us...

Grace & Courtesy Part 1

Grace and courtesy.Manners.Hospitality.Rules for living.Call it what you would like, but this is a real subject area at my house and many others. I believe it is not only important, but VITAL to teach children not only that these things are important, but why they are...

3 Ways to Explore Leaf Shapes Through Art

   We do not own a traditional Montessori botany cabinet. It is one of those materials I have never been able to bring myself to purchase. I do, however, think exploring and learning leaf shapes is very important. We have done this through puzzles, card...

What IS Montessori Anyways?

I have had several questions in the last few weeks asking for more information on Montessori, so I will do my best to explain in a simple and short post. In a nutshell, the Montessori Method was developed by Maria Montessori in the late 1800s in Italy working with...

Blessed In A Montessori Kind of Way

Thursday night when I sat down to watch Aidan at gymnastics, I was accosted by a friend from church, and Montessori co-worker of Tim’s to go take a walk while our kids had practice.Being it was a beautiful sunny day, I took her up on the invitation.We had a...

Homeschool Highlight Reel- On The Toddler Shelves

Welcome to the Homeschool Highlight Reel! A place for homeschooling families to share ideas, inspiration, and support.  To learn more about the Homeschool Highlight Reel, click here. This week I am talking about our toddler area.  This is honestly the...