Siena’s Story: Lisa’s Perspective

I have such vivid memories of different parts of Siena’s journey with some parts being particularly clear.  It was a day in fall and I remember seeing Heidi’s update on FB or getting an email about the her ending up in the ER and all that medical...

Let’s Not Be Still Event Wrap Up

This weekend was the Let’s Not Be Still 5K in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.   We had a great day and want to send a huge THANK YOU to all of the event organizers who contributed to a fun day of family and remembering.   We also would like to thank our blog...

Our Typical Homeschool Day

I commented on our Facebook page earlier this week that I notice our house is a lot cleaner during the school year.   There could be all sorts of reasons for this, but I think the main one is that, knowing how much I want to accomplish each day, I am much less...

Happy Assumption Day!

Do you sometimes get confused between Ascension and Assumption or have no idea what I am talking about in the first place?  Remember, Jesus ascended to Heaven under His own power and authority.  Mary was assumed into Heaven…also by His power and...