Despite being up late due to Halloween shenanigans, we pulled all the monkeys out of bed at 6:00 for All Saints Day Mass. It was a crazy idea, but actually it worked out ok. It was the only way we could all go together and, since I really am not brave enough yet for all 5 by myself, that’s what we did. After Mass, we all went out for breakfast before dropping Daddy off at work.
**If you notice the bow Kylee is wearing today, it has a small St. Ann medal. My friend Martina makes these gorgeous saint bows and you can visit her website, Pepita Bananas, to see more. She has many adorable saint bows for all sorts of feasts & seasons. I bought a collection of them and I was very tempted to wear one myself this morning!
We finished St. Aidan, St. Charles Borromeo, St. George, St. Anne, St. Lucy, St. Timothy, & St. Blaise.
We did make a large mess…
When we were finished we added our mini saints to the top of our piano, where I think they look so cute & happy tucked in!
When the candles were finished, we added them to the prayer table for November. We removed the rosaries and rosary books (don’t worry, they are all still available, just moved back to the piano with the others). In their place, we have several books of saints for children and holy cards.
Very nice!! Happy All Saints Day! I'll have to check out Catholic Inspired…never heard of it.
Awesome job!! (and glad the cream helped!)