Apricot Time

Just last weekend we enjoyed an evening of food and fellowship with the same friends who joined us for backyard vacation bible school.  At one point the topic of discussion turned to the giant apricot tree in our backyard.  We don’t know much about...

Backyard Vacation Bible School

What is a mom to do when her parish Vacation Bible School costs $90 per child, does not have an option for preschoolers, and is not (on paper at least) very special needs/adaptations friendly? Well obviously, she should call up her friends and plan their own event!...

Summer Science

While history and math have fallen by the wayside this summer, the kid’s rainbow garden (more photos here) is producing it’s first fruits….er…well….vegetables. “Easter Egg” Radishes I was hesitant to allow these to...

Living History- Argh!

This weekend, while in town for the Minnesota Catholic Home Educator’s Conference at St. Thomas University, the older boys and I (along with my parents and sister) went to the Real Pirates Exhibit at the Minnesota Science Museum.  This special collection...

Confessions of an Imperfect Food Mom

I have a confession to make…. Our family diet is not perfect (sometimes it’s even all out bad) and I am completely ok with that. We are blessed to live in a time where we know so much about how our bodies work and the effects of the food we use to nourish...

Making Pysanky (Ukrainian Eggs)

While my dad and Tim were building bunk beds, my mom and I (mostly my mom) taught the kids how to make pysanky or Ukrainian Eggs. Caleb learns how to blow the insides out of the eggs.  More than a few were broken in this process. Kylee draws on her egg with wax...