New Beds For the Littles

My parents visited this past week and Tim and my dad collaborated on a custom bunk bed for Logan and Kylee.  The top bunk is only about chest height with an IKEA junior size mattress, the bottom is just a standard crib mattress.  Both have a platform...

Preschool Project for Busy Little Ones

This is one of Kylee’s little projects for while her brothers are working on school. Refrigerator magnets from the front of the phone book, cut into smaller pieces. Any scissors will work, including kid scissors if you want your child to do this step. Glue on...

Logan’s first day with the knobbed cylinders. Logan’s first experience was a lot like Kylee’s, only he had Kylee trying to “help” him. Two years ago, readers asked many questions about this material after I shared a picture of Kylee...

Make Your Own Shaker Globes

We won’t talk about how long ago (first week of Lent) we did this project and how long the pictures have been just sitting here waiting to be used (just as long).  I did let Aidan help with the photography for this project so some of the pictures are a...

Making Music Praying Twice

How had I never heard of this curriculum before? I found it quite by accident, looking at something else on Catholic Heritage Curriculum.  And then later, a friend had shared some Lent activities that she found on Pinterest and when I clicked through, sure enough...

Can It Be Montessori Monday??

I have had this particular Montessori Monday post planned for weeks now!  I set everything up the last week of January, right before we found out we had to move, so we didn’t really get to take them out until this week.  With so many age ranges I try...