Dissecting Flowers

   This lesson could be presented before introducing the Flower Puzzle or afterwards.   We choose after and presented first, the Flower Puzzle and Parts of a Flower card work.   For non Montessori families, the very minimum precursor (in my...

A New Chair

Aidan has had this table for awhile, but he didn’t have a chair to go with it.  Saturday I did a major porch decluttering and clean up and I realized we had a great spot for a work space.  The spot has bright natural lighting and a fresh cool breeze,...

Planning & Record Keeping

One of my goals for this year is to work on my organization system for planning and record keeping. Last year this was my system… I wrote down what I did with the kids…sometimes. Oh, and I had lists in no less than 4 notebooks of things I would like to do...

Trying Something New For Art

As an open ended art kind of gal (for kids at least..I personally like direction), I have always had plenty of art supplies around. The challenge has always been organizing them. I’ve tried all sorts of stuff, but to be honest most of it has not worked well. The...

Sometimes Its Hard Not To Be Angry

First of all I want to start with a disclaimer that this post is about me. It is not about begrudging anyone else their joy and happiness or resenting them in any way. It is about me and my grief and the ways that it sometimes sneaks up on me. I am also not saying my...

Seven Things I Love About My Husband

I love his excitement and enthusiasm. He is a born encourager, who keeps me going when things start to get a little rough.I love the way he understands and supports 100% my desires to be at home with our children, even though that means making sometimes making...