Cooking School

For Christmas 2 years ago we bought Aidan this great cookbook.Then we lost it.During our room transformations earlier this week, however, the lost was found! Aidan immediately made plans to cook for us. So, today for lunch he made “Noodle Soup” and...

A Perfect Example of Being Three

The good parts that is.Aidan is learning about classification in school, both animals (mammals, fish, bird, etc.) and words (verb, noun, etc).We have a pet gecko named Rocky and Aidan was talking about him at the lunch table today. Caleb pipes up with,”Is a...

Being Three

Three year olds…Not quite big kids…yet not really babies any more. All sorts of new words…yet not knowing how and when to use them.Want to make many of their own choices….yet lack the thought capacity to think things through.Often know what...

The Aftermath- Kenna’s Story Part 4

STOP- Read Part 1 FirstPart 2Part 3What happened after we came home from the hospital and it all started to sink in?This is where my memory goes a little fuzzy. I think at this point my brain was about to actually explode with the constant bombardment of thoughts,...

A Long Story- PART 3

Part 1Part 2As I said in my MOPS talk, whatever the worst feelings you can imagine for that moment are all true…at least tenfold. I honestly believe that my wildest imagination (and my imagination is very wild) could not have prepared me for the moment we found...

A long story- PART 2

STOP- Read PART 1 firstAs a busy family, we didn’t take much time to revel in our new addition. Life went on as usual. Caleb was still having a rough time with his lungs and was having new troubles with digestion issues so we were busy with that and at the end...