My Name In Lights

…well print at least. That picture in the upper left hand corner would be my husband and I with our darling Kenna, along with a family picture from Kylee’s baptism on the opposite page. That gorgeous blue by-line belongs to none other than yours truly. The...

The End of an Era

Light A Crying Candleauthor unknown (by me anyways)Light a candle and stay with it until the last flame flickers out. If you have suffered but a minor annoyance, you may find a left-over birthday candle to be just the right size. If you have suffered a great blow, you...

Cleaning Pennies

I just thought I’d post some penny cleaning pictures! I don’t know if we did it “right” but it seemed to work!The tray set up:Dirty Penny DishBowl of Lime Slices, Bowl of Salt, Bowl of WaterDish Rag, Clean Penny DishOur procedure was:1- Choose...


I have been asked by several friends and blog readers to share some of my Montessori resources. I have divided my resources into several categories so it is a little easier to look through.BOOKSIf you are looking for a basic “feel” for what Montessori is I...

Hemisphere Globes

We talked about hemispheres today. I have two small foam balls painted to look (loosely) like the globe that have been cut, one through the Equator and one through the poles. We placed the hemispheres around the map and then showed how to squish a round globe into a...